Final Thesis on Visual Facilitation

Uploaded on the website: at last! (10 years after…)

A great resource pack: start here to get to know our profession!

Why is it still relevant to upload this “old” content (that is nearly 10 years old)?
10 years ago, when I decided to write my final thesis on this topic (that no-one known in Hungary at all) in English wasn’t an easy decision. But I made it and done through the process, so I compiled all the available resources at that time, and synthesised into this experiential piece. I hope You’ll find it valuable.

My favourite parts are: 

  • First and foremost the 22 case studies, short visual reports from my early visual practices as being a visual facilitator (pages 57 – 78).
  • A coherent and still valid explanation of the theory and methodology of visual facilitation. 
  • The extensive list of positive impact of visual facilitation on many aspect on group processes (pages 44 – 53).
  • And a great list of specific resources: Books and websites (pages 86 – 89).
  • For those, who are the (wo)man of practice: those can find a detailed checklist (on pages 20-22) what to do for preparation, “during” and right after an event facilitated visually.  

Back in 2010, during the course of becoming a Certified OD Consultant at the Budapest School of Communication (BKF – now it is called Metropolitan University, Budapest METU) me and the full year had the chance to contribute to the great IODA ODN  OD World Summit  international conference (a report on the Solution Focus At Work website). Upon finishing the third semester we needed to decide on the topic of our final thesis. I made a brave step, and not only wrote a full final paper about a topic, that was nearly unknown in the Hungarian OD professional environment, but also wrote it in English (however the course was of course in Hungarian. 

The levels of interactivity / the 4 stages of Push and Pull Continuum (Source: Christine Merkley: Meeting Graphics 101. between pages 36-42.)

My opponent Péter Csanádi (former president oh the Hungarian OD Association – HODA) was highly impressed about the number of case studies presented in my final paper, comparing the short time, since I’ve practised this new way of OD Consulting. 

I am extremely thankful to one of the founding fathers of the profession: David Sibbet. His early experiences, back in the 60’a and 70’s and his book helped a lot to me. They served not as a foundation of my final paper, but beyond writing they inspired me to dive deeper and try always new solutions within the field of visual practices.

David Sibbet, the founder of The GROVE Consultants International, one of the most influential founding father of our profession, with Szilard in Denmark, 2018. at the IFVP (International Forum of Visual Practitioners) EuViz World Conference. 


Let’s dive in Szilard’s Final Paper on Visual Practices!


Budapest, October, 6th  2020.

Grafacity Visual Services

About Me

I’m Szilárd Strenner, the general manager of Grafacity Visual Services, a visual facilitator and organisational development consultant by profession. I’ve been doing trainings and leading groups since 1994. I got familiar with visual recording in 2010, and I wrote my final thesis on this topic for my OD consultant education. We set up Grafacity Visual Services and became active members of IFVP, International Forum of Visual Practitioners. I take part in nearly a thousand of hours of visual client-work independently or together with my colleagues annually. I would like to better understand how we can support the change processes with our visual means the most efficiently.


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