Download the Freebie: Equipment List for Visual Facilitators

New content on the website!

…since no Visual Technics Training Course has passed without facing the question: 

“OK, Szilard this is great, now I can draw, but tell me, 

What do we reeeeaally need to have with us? 

Could you send us a list, please?

         In order to help You not to have too much stuff with you, not to miss anything important: I’ve created… not one, but 3 lists of equipment, what you, as a Visual Facilitator (or recorder) will need to have at events or other engagements according to your goals and the level of expertise.

Free resource pack, do not miss!!!

The Complete List of all You need to have for visual recording!

Should that be a HUGE international conference or you team has its regular meeting?
Download the NEW Equipment List!

Get it and prepare yourself!

Budapest, September, 25th  2020.

Grafacity Visual Services

About Me

I’m Szilárd Strenner, the general manager of Grafacity Visual Services, a visual facilitator and organisational development consultant by profession. I’ve been doing trainings and leading groups since 1994. I got familiar with visual recording in 2010, and I wrote my final thesis on this topic for my OD consultant education. We set up Grafacity Visual Services and became active members of IFVP, International Forum of Visual Practitioners. I take part in nearly a thousand of hours of visual client-work independently or together with my colleagues annually. I would like to better understand how we can support the change processes with our visual means the most efficiently.


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